Is Delta THC Legal in Hawaii?


What is Delta THC?

Delta tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) refers to any of the isomers of THC, a naturally occurring cannabinoid found in cannabis plants. Delta THCs are primarily associated with psychoactive feelings of euphoria after use. They include Delta-8 THC, Delta-9 THC, and Delta-10 THC.

Delta-9 THC is often referred to simply as THC, as it is the most popular form of THC. THC products are typically used for recreational and medical purposes. They can be used to manage different medical conditions such as chronic pain, insomnia, cachexia, glaucoma, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). While some tetrahydrocannabinol occur naturally in nature, others are synthesized in laboratories. It is also possible to synthesize naturally occurring cannabinoids in labs, especially those found in small quantities.


Cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are two naturally occurring cannabinoids in cannabis plants. They are both found in hemp and marijuana. They have similar molecular structures. However, the arrangements of their carbon atoms and their effects on the body differ. They both work with receptors to release neurotransmitters in the brain to produce varying effects in a user’s body. THC is more psychoactive than CBD, and it causes a ‘high’ in its users. On the other hand, CBD produces a feeling of well-being to relax the body. It does not intoxicate users.

THC and CBD are used to manage different medical conditions. CBD is used to manage medical conditions such as seizures, depression, inflammation, migraine, and euphoria. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2018 approved Epidolex, the first drug containing CBD, for treating seizures caused by rare forms of epilepsy. CBD can also treat the side effects of THC, such as hallucinations and paranoia. On the other hand, THC can be used to manage the symptoms and outcomes of such medical conditions as cancer, glaucoma, Crohn’s disease, muscle spasticity, insomnia, low appetite, nausea, and chronic pain.

THC and CBD can be detected in drug tests to varying degrees. They show up on drug tests long after their psychoactive effects wear off. THC can be detected in blood samples and saliva up to 36 hours after use. It can be detected in urine up to 30 days after last use and in hair follicles up to 90 days after use. The quantity of THC consumed, frequency of use, and sensitivity of the drug test can affect a drug test result. Routine drug tests may not detect CBD, as most of these tests are designed to detect THC. However, many CBD products contain small amounts of THC and will produce a positive THC drug test result. However, there are CBD-sensitive tests that can be used to detect the presence of CBD.

What is Delta-8 THC?

Delta-8 THC is a naturally occurring cannabinoid found in trace amounts in hemp and marijuana plants. The molecular structure of Delta-8 THC has a five-carbon sidechain and a double bond on its eighth carbon. It is typically synthesized in laboratories and sold as tinctures, oils, flowers, or vapes. It is reported to possess appetite-stimulating, neuroprotective, and analgesic properties. It exhibits a lower psychoactive potency than Delta-9 THC and produces a milder euphoric feeling. It can also aid relaxation and sleep. Some potential side effects of Delta-8 THC are paranoia, increased heart rate, memory loss, red eyes, loss of consciousness, and anxiety. These side effects are noticeable when Delta-8 THC is consumed in high doses.

While the effects of Delta-8 THC can last for a few hours after use, its metabolites remain in the body and can be detected in drug tests weeks after. Whether a drug test will detect Delta-8 THC or not depends on the test type, quantity of Delta-8 THC consumed, frequency of use, the user's body mass index, and metabolic rate. Delta-8 THC can be detected in blood samples for up to 48 hours after use. However, it can be present in the blood samples of heavy users up to 3 weeks after last use. It can also be detected in urine samples between 3 and 60 days after use, depending on the frequency of use. Drug tests can detect Delta-8 THC for up to 30 days in saliva and up to 90 days in hair follicles.

Is Delta-8 THC Legal in Hawaii?

Hemp-derived Delta-8 THC is legal in Hawaii. Hawaii passed HB2689 in 2020 to legalize hemp products in line with the United States Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (2018 Farm Bill). The law defined hemp as a cannabis plant containing a maximum of 0.3% THC. The law was amended in 2021 to prohibit the smoking of hemp products, including hemp-derived Delta-8 THC products. Hawaii residents can readily get Delta-8 THC products online and in dispensaries. In addition, hemp-derived Delta-8 THC products can be shipped from other states in line with the 2018 federal Farm Bill.

It is illegal to possess marijuana-derived Delta-8 THC products in Hawaii except for medical purposes. Marijuana is listed as a Schedule I hallucinogenic substance in the Hawaii Uniform Controlled Substance Act. It is illegal to grow, distribute, transport, sell, or consume marijuana for recreational purposes in the state. However, the Hawaii Medical Marijuana law permits registered medical marijuana patients and caregivers to possess up to 4 ounces of marijuana products, including marijuana-derived Delta-8 THC products. They can purchase marijuana-derived Delta-8 THC products with prescriptions from dispensaries in the state.

What is Delta-9 THC?

Delta-9 THC is the most abundant THC cannabinoid in cannabis plants. It has a double bond on the ninth carbon atom in its molecular structure and readily binds with the cannabinoid receptors in the brain to produce psychoactive effects such as euphoria, elation, talkativeness, laughter, and relaxation.

Delta-9 THC can help stimulate appetite and provide relief from severe pain. While using Delta-9 THC in moderation is safe for consumption, its abuse can have severe side effects. Consuming a high dosage of Delta-9 THC can produce side effects such as anxiety, paranoia, nausea, panic attacks, low blood pressure, numbness, drowsiness, and hallucinations.

Delta-9 THC can be detected in the body several days after its consumption, even though its psychoactive effects only last a few hours. Saliva tests can detect Delta-9 THC in the consumer’s oral fluid within 72 hours of consumption, while blood tests can typically detect Delta-9 THC within 36 hours. However, blood tests can detect Delta-9 THC in heavy users up to 30 days after the last use. In addition, Delta-9 THC can be detected in urine up to 30 days after last use and in hair follicles up to 90 days after use.

Is Delta-9 THC Legal in Hawaii?

Per the 2018 federal Farm Bill and Hawaii HB2689, hemp-derived Delta-9 THC products are legal in Hawaii, provided the THC content does not exceed 0.3%. However, the smoking of hemp-derived Delta-9 THC products is prohibited in the state. Residents can purchase Delta-9 THC products from dispensaries and online stores. They may also ship hemp-derived Delta-9 THC products from other states, provided they are obtained in accordance with the 2018 federal Farm Bill.

Marijuana-derived Delta-9 THC is illegal in Hawaii for recreational purposes. It is classified as a Schedule I hallucinogenic substance in Hawaii. Marijuana-derived Delta-9 THC products cannot be shipped into the state. However, registered medical marijuana patients and their caregivers can purchase prescribed marijuana-derived Delta-9 THC products.

What is Delta-10 THC?

Delta-10 THC is one of the cannabinoids in hemp and marijuana plants. It is usually manufactured in laboratories as it can only be found in trace amounts in cannabis. It is similar to Delta-8 THC in its ability to produce euphoric feelings in users. However, it is less potent than Delta-9 THC. Delta-10 THC is safe to consume and is available in vape cartridges, gummies, and other forms of edibles. As a result of the chemicals used in the extraction process in the production of Delta-10 THC, It is recommended that consumers only consume Delta-10 THC products that have been tested and approved by accredited labs.

There are very few studies on the effects and benefits of Delta-10 THC. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that it helps with anxiety, depression, and stress. When taken in high doses, it can cause low blood pressure, dry mouth, and bloodshot eyes.

Delta-10 THC can be detected in drug tests. It remains detectable for up to 3 days in the blood and up to 48 hours in the saliva after use. Drug tests can find Delta-10 THC in hair follicles for up to 90 days and in urine for up to a week after use. However, it may show up in the blood and urine of a heavy user for up to 30 days after last use.

Is Delta-10 THC Legal in Hawaii?

The federal Farm Bill and Hawaii HB2689 permit the possession and use of hemp-derived Delta-10 THC products in Hawaii, provided they contain a maximum of 0.3% THC. However, smoking of hemp-derived Delta-10 THC is prohibited in the state. Residents can purchase hemp-derived Delta-10 THC products from dispensaries and online stores.

Furthermore, marijuana-derived Delta-10 THC is prohibited in the state as it is included in Schedule I of the Hawaii Uniform Controlled Substance Act. It is illegal to ship marijuana products, including marijuana-derived Delta-10 THC, into the state. However, marijuana-derived Delta-10 THC products can be purchased by medical marijuana patients and their caregivers through prescriptions from licensed dispensaries.



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