Can You Smoke Weed in Public in Hawaii?

Can You Smoke Weed in Hawaii?

Yes, but only qualified and registered medical cannabis patients can smoke weed according to the Hawaii Medical Cannabis Registry Program.

Can You Smoke Weed in Public in Hawaii?

Smoking medical cannabis in public is illegal in Hawaii. Weed smoking is subject to the Hawaii Smoke-Free Laws. Under these laws, smoking medical cannabis is not allowed in areas available to, and customarily used, by the general public. These areas include bars, bowling alleys, airports and public transportation facilities, libraries, museums, galleries, aquariums, elevators, educational facilities, restaurants, retail stores, polling places, nightclubs, healthcare facilities, service lines, and shopping malls.

Can You Smoke Weed in a Vehicle in Hawaii?

Hawaii laws do not allow registered medical cannabis patients to smoke cannabis in moving vehicles, including school buses or public buses. When transporting medical cannabis within Hawaii, the substance must remain in a sealed container invisible to the public. It must not be removed from the sealed container or smoked while it is in a public place.

Who Can Smoke Marijuana in Hawaii?

In-state and out-of-state registered patients under the Hawaii Medical Cannabis Registry Program are allowed to smoke marijuana in Hawaii. To be registered under the program, you must be at least 18 years old.

Where Can You Legally Smoke Weed in Hawaii?

If you are eligible to use medical cannabis in Hawaii, you may consume smokable forms on personal private property but not in workplace environments or on federal property. As a general rule of thumb, if the entire footprint of a property is smoke-free (as defined under Hawaii's Smoke-Free Laws), medical cannabis may not be smoked anywhere on that property.

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